About the Journal


1. Aims, Objectives, and Scope

Asian Journal of Integrated Social and Behavioural Sciences (AJISBS) aims to publish multidisciplinary quality research findings. The scope of this Journal entertains the scientific underpinnings of health and social issues that need solutions and dissemination worldwide. AJISBS focuses on the latest developments and interventions to enhance planning, critical decision-making, problem-solving, and execution for the action plan to deal with the current challenges in the field.

It focuses on all kinds of quantitative and qualitative articles, including original research papers, reviews/mini-reviews, case reports, perspectives, letters, and guest-edited single-topic issues in all areas of psychology. Studies with practical implications are encouraged for publication in this Journal. These include psychology, psychiatry, neurology, sociology, education, economics, history, political sciences, gender studies, organizational behaviors, and related mental health and well-being fields. All the topics that fall under today's required policies and practices within the healthcare and education context represent local needs and the progress of the community. Professionals from various fields of social and behavioural sciences are welcome to contribute.

2. Article Processing Charges (APC) Information

Asian Journal of Integrated Social and Behavioural Sciences (AJISBS) promotes open access and scientific collaboration by accepting free articles. This dedication continues through submission, processing, peer review, and publishing. The Journal waives processing fees to encourage diverse contributions and make entry easy for writers of all income levels.

The quality and integrity of scientific papers depend on peer review. Therefore, AJISBS values providing authors with constructive input from subject matter experts without charging them. This fee-free peer review supports the Journal's mission of advancing knowledge by rigorous evaluation and collaboration.

AJISBS guarantees no publication fees for accepted submissions. Authors will not pay for dissemination if a paper is peer-reviewed and published. This policy supports the Journal's mission of free access to intellectual content and significant research.

AJISBS's fee-free publication method promotes open-access publishing, which shares scientific knowledge. This technique allows researchers of various financial backgrounds to participate in academic discourse.

In summary, this distinguishes AJISBS journal's fee-free strategy and promotes inclusive and accessible scholarly publishing, which enhances academic knowledge.

3. Submissions

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors must check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors who do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been published or considered by another journal (or explained in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF.
  • Reference URLs are provided if available.
  • The text is single-spaced, utilizes a 12-point font, uses italics instead of underlining (save for URL addresses), and includes images, figures, and tables within the text rather than at the conclusion.
  • The text meets Author Guidelines and stylistic and bibliographic standards.