Ethical Guidelines and Responsibilities for Publication

Publisher Responsibilities

Publishers play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of peer-reviewed journals. Adherence to professional ethics and standards is paramount for all parties involved in the publication process.

  • Commitment to COPE’s Code of Conduct: Publishers are dedicated to upholding the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)’s Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers (
  • Support for Editorial Efforts: Publishers are committed to supporting editors, authors, and reviewers, ensuring the smooth functioning of the publication system and the application of ethical guidelines.

Editors Responsibilities

Editors are entrusted with overseeing the review process and upholding ethical standards. Here are key responsibilities editors should observe:

  • Efficient Manuscript Handling: Editors must acknowledge receipt of submitted manuscripts promptly and ensure an efficient, fair, and timely review process.
  • Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest: Editors should process manuscripts confidentially and disclose no content to unauthorized parties. They must recuse themselves from handling manuscripts with conflicts of interest.
  • Decision-Making Authority: Editors have the right to make final decisions on manuscript acceptance or rejection based on significance, originality, and clarity, free from any obligation to cite their journal.
  • Ethical Complaint Handling: Editors should respond promptly to ethical complaints, consulting with authors and taking appropriate measures. Formal retractions or corrections may be necessary.

Authors Responsibilities

Authors play a pivotal role in ensuring the originality and ethical conduct of their research. Here are key responsibilities authors should fulfill:

  • No Concurrent Submissions: Authors should not submit the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously, nor submit previously published work for consideration.
  • Accuracy and Originality: Authors must provide accurate and impartial research reports, ensuring the originality of their work and appropriately citing external sources.
  • Data Integrity and Transparency: Authors should honestly gather and interpret research data, making raw data accessible for editorial review. Any errors in published papers should be promptly reported.
  • Acknowledgment and Declaration: Authors should acknowledge all contributions and declare any conflicts of interest. Coauthors must affirm the final version of the paper.

Reviewers Responsibilities

Reviewers contribute to the peer-review process by offering objective evaluations. Here are key responsibilities reviewers should uphold:

  • Qualification and Timeliness: Reviewers must promptly notify editors if they feel unqualified or cannot meet review deadlines.
  • Conflict of Interest Disclosure: Reviewers should inform editors of any conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from reviewing manuscripts where bias could be introduced.
  • Confidentiality and Objectivity: Reviewers must treat manuscripts confidentially, avoiding personal criticism of authors and approaching reviews objectively.

Ethical Concern Reporting: Reviewers should immediately notify editors of any similarities with other papers, instances of plagiarism, or falsified data in the reviewed manuscript.

Declaration of Interest:

Authors are required to disclose any financial, personal, or professional interests that may be perceived as influencing the research or its interpretation. Authors must provide a clear and comprehensive declaration of interest at the time of manuscript submission. Editors will review declarations of interest to assess potential conflicts and may seek clarification or additional information. Transparency is paramount in maintaining the integrity of the publication process.

Conflict of Interest:

Comprehensive policies are in place for identifying and managing conflicts of interest among all stakeholders. Recusal and disclosure procedures are clearly outlined for effective conflict resolution.