Retraction Policy

The journal reserves the right to retract any article that meets one or more of the following criteria:

-The article contains fabricated or falsified data, plagiarism, duplicate publication, or other forms of research misconduct.
-The article reports unethical or illegal research, such as violation of human or animal rights, informed consent, or confidentiality.
-The article has major errors or flaws that invalidate its findings or conclusions, and cannot be corrected by an erratum or corrigendum.
-The article has a serious conflict of interest that was not disclosed by the authors, and that may have influenced the peer review process or the interpretation of the results.
-The decision to retract an article is made by the editor-in-chief, in consultation with the editorial board and the publisher, and after considering the evidence and circumstances of the case. 

The retraction process is as follows:

The journal will contact the corresponding author and inform them of the reason and intention to retract the article. The journal may also contact the authors’ institutions and/or funders, and any other relevant parties, such as co-authors, reviewers, or editors involved in the article.
The journal will give the authors an opportunity to respond to the allegations or concerns, and to provide any evidence or explanation that may justify the retention of the article. The journal will consider the authors’ response and any additional information before making a final decision on the retraction.
If the journal decides to retract the article, it will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article, states the reason and basis for the retraction, and indicates who is retracting the article. The retraction notice will be linked to the retracted article online, and will appear in the same volume and issue as the retracted article, or in the next available issue. The retraction notice will be freely accessible to all readers, and will be indexed and cross-referenced in bibliographic databases.
The retracted article will remain online, but will be clearly marked as retracted, and will include a link to the retraction notice. The retracted article will not be removed from the journal’s website or archives, unless required by legal or regulatory reasons, to preserve the integrity of the scientific record and to prevent citation of the retracted article.
The journal aims to retract articles as soon as possible, to minimize the potential harm or impact of the erroneous or unreliable information. The journal also encourages authors, readers, reviewers, and editors to report any errors or concerns they may find in the published articles, and to cooperate with the journal in the retraction process. The journal is committed to ensuring the quality and credibility of its publications, and to correcting the literature when necessary.